2024 Annual Review

Big Move and Bigger Hurricanes The biggest event of 2024 was my husband and I selling our home on a barrier island on the Gulf of Mexico and moving about an hour to the other side of Tampa Bay. The driver for the move was evacuation fatigue and, wow, was it the right decision. We Keep Reading

Pondering Slower Goals

Foxtail Coffee – Riverview South, 12350 US-301 Unit 8, Riverview, FL 33578 Hot damn…two Coffee Conversations within a few weeks of each other! I’m really hoping to make this a regular thing in 2025. Maybe not every week but maybe every other week? Speaking of 2025, it’s almost here. And if December moves as fast Keep Reading

So Very Busy

Cali Cafe – Riverview, Florida This is the first coffee conversation I’ve written since February of 2022. Wow! I was probably the last time I actually sat and relaxed and wrote in a coffee shop as well.  Busy I think this has become the most worshiped and hated word in our modern times. Everyone is Keep Reading

New Podcast/YouTube Show

I’ve got a new project going…a podcast and YouTube show. I hate it when people start off with “I’m super excited to announce…” but I’m pretty fired up about this! So what’s it about? Creativity! Creative Soul Life Creative Soul Life is about exploring how to use creativity as a form of self-care. This isn’t Keep Reading

Commissioned Creativity

Not all artists do them. They can be painful. They can be tedious. They can make you question your life choices. They can be the best thing for your career or the worst. What am I talking about? The Art Commission. An art commission is when someone hires you to paint what THEY want, not Keep Reading

The Art of Gardening

I call myself a trial and error gardener. I didn’t really ‘garden’ growing up. I had a few yard chores like picking up sticks before my dad mowed. He tried briefly to make mowing my chore but after I ran the riding mower up a tree, he gave up. My late teens and early twenties Keep Reading

2023 Annual Review

2023 was an…um…trying year. From the tone of the memes and Tik-toks, I think we all struggled a bit over this past year.  I will say overall it was a good year, just hard. Shift…and Still Shifting I started the year trying to figure out how to shift my art and teaching. I had spent Keep Reading

100 Books in 2022

If you know me, especially if you followed my 5 Before 50 posts, you know I’m a reader. I read a LOT! I’m in that season of life where kids aren’t interrupting me and my husband finally gets that I NEED to read. I’d rather binge read than binge watch any time. I’ve been tracking Keep Reading