Like most women, I have worn many hats during this life…
..artist ..writer ..mother ..wife ..teacher ..gamer ..speaker ..daughter ..marketer ..designer ..student ..saver ..coordinator ..volunteer ..sister ..environmentalist ..runner

I am an artist…
I graduated with my Bachelors of Fine Art concentrating in Design many years ago. Art was a great career to fit around my family. For over 25 years I’ve created art, taught art and sold art.
I am a writer…
From silly poems as a child to copywriting and technical writing to help pay for college to blogging on various platforms as an adult, writing has always been a part of my life. I’ll probably always blog (or whatever it becomes in the future) but I’ve got some bigger ideas for some books on the horizon as well.
I am an environmentalist…
Another passion that has been with me most of my life is my love of this world and all the natural beauty in it. This has come out as a concern for our environment and our sustainability of keeping the quality of life here for future generations. A few years ago I earned my Masters of City and Regional Planning with a concentration in Sustainability. After graduation, I became an environmental educator and worked with everything from preschoolers to state conservation boards.
I am a mother…
My primary ‘job’ for the bulk of my adult life has been a mother, everything else fit in around that. I still talk or text daily with one or all of the three and visit as often as possible!
I am a wife…
My husband and I have been married over 25 years. We are enjoying our new adventure as empty nesters, living in our slice of paradise in Florida.
As I’ve worn all these hats and filled all these roles, I’ve spread myself across many platforms and outlets. In an effort to simplify and reduce the distraction of multiple arenas, I’m bringing all here, Charlotte DeMolay…just me.