It’s that time of year to look over my business goals and accomplishment for the past year. I started off the year strong but adding a part-time job into my schedule in May slowed me down a bit. By fall I was back into full swing though!
2017 Charlotte B. DeMolay Artist Annual Report
- Explored new techniques with mixed media and art resin.
- Created 18 new painting (See most of them here).
Overall I spent a lot more time in the studio than I have in the past several years. When I’m teaching, a lot of the time the work I’m creating is examples for classes. It has been a long time since I’ve been able to focus exclusively on my own artwork.
- Participated in 2 local art exhibits.
- Accepted in to local gallery (read more about that here).
I had hoped to get my art out in my new community more than I did this year. I was really, really excited about the gallery (and made quite a few sales in the 6 weeks I was there). Maybe the co-op will find a new location or I’ll keep looking for another opportunity.
- Created first online class. (check it out on Skillshare. 3 months for 99 cents for a limited time)
I wanted to create more but I had a huge learning curve with videoing. After my first class I realized I needed to update my software, so I did. Then I started my other job…before I really learned how to use the new software! I’m hoping to get a few more done this year. Skillshare has been a great platform for this (plus I watch classes myself all the time!).
- Sent 2 Newsletters
- Wrote about 6 blog posts (I think more but I lost some in the new website design)
- Posted irregularly on Facebook and Instagram
Overall this was my most lacking part of my year. I set a goal of a newsletter per month and a blog post per week. I obviously didn’t even come close. This is an area I have flagged for work on in 2018!
- Redesigned my webite, again! I think it is just my nature to have to change it every few years. Read about my other reasons why here.
- Updated my ‘brand’ look on my business cards, website, etc., to reflect my more current work.
This was long overdue. I had a sentimental attachment to the Beach Bunny painting that has been my icon for years. But the painting is 13 years old and the subject is almost 17 years old!
Stay tuned…next post will be about my 2018 goals!