Big Move and Bigger Hurricanes The biggest event of 2024 was my husband and I selling our home on a barrier island on the Gulf of Mexico and moving about an hour to the other side of Tampa Bay. The driver for the move was evacuation fatigue and, wow, was it the right decision. We Keep Reading
Tag: art
Commissioned Creativity
Not all artists do them. They can be painful. They can be tedious. They can make you question your life choices. They can be the best thing for your career or the worst. What am I talking about? The Art Commission. An art commission is when someone hires you to paint what THEY want, not Keep Reading
The Art of Gardening
I call myself a trial and error gardener. I didn’t really ‘garden’ growing up. I had a few yard chores like picking up sticks before my dad mowed. He tried briefly to make mowing my chore but after I ran the riding mower up a tree, he gave up. My late teens and early twenties Keep Reading
2023 Annual Review
2023 was an…um…trying year. From the tone of the memes and Tik-toks, I think we all struggled a bit over this past year. I will say overall it was a good year, just hard. Shift…and Still Shifting I started the year trying to figure out how to shift my art and teaching. I had spent Keep Reading
What’s With All the Strange Art?
If you are an Instagram follower you may have noticed I’ve been posting daily on my feed this month. It’s my art…it just doesn’t look quite like it. Even my mother told me it didn’t look like my stuff. It’s not my usual medium, it’s digital. Specifically, it’s created on the app Procreate on my Keep Reading
The Process of Art – Resin
In Virginia I started experimenting with adding more texture in my paintings. At some point I had the idea of creating layers of depth with resin. I’m not sure where I first saw art resin but it looked promising. Most artwork created with resin uses it either as the art itself through dyes and imbedded Keep Reading
The Process of Art – Watercolor
Watercolor paintings take the least amount of prep work before the actual painting. One of the main aspects is the paper. I also use all types of paper from inexpensive student grade to very expensive large sheets. Most of my sketch type work or paintings I intend to scan are done on less expensive paper. Keep Reading
The Process of Art – Ideas
Artists work in a lot of different methods or processes. Some are exact and meticulous, planning every step of the way. Some are spontaneous and loose, throwing their ideas out into the world and rapidly as they can. My artistic process is somewhere in the middle. Looking for Ideas Like most visual artists, I keep Keep Reading
5 Ways to Show Your Love With Art
February is the month of love or the month of proving you love someone by spending a ton of money on one particular day on the calendar. Fancy dinners, boxes of chocolate, beautiful flowers, all these are wonderful…for a little while. By the end of the day, week or month all of those are usually Keep Reading
Even Artists Have to do Inventory
One of my goals this year is to complete a total inventory of my artwork. That may sound easy to some, I mean how hard is it to keep up with a painting? Well, I actually have 317 paintings since the fall of 1995. Plus 4 paintings that have Limited Edition Prints. That’s another 125 Keep Reading